Monday, October 5, 2009

Cape Town Capers

Over the school holidays, we ventured off on a well-deserved (we think!) holiday to South Africa's beautiful city of Cape Town. The legislative capital (quick trivia, did you know SA has three capital cities?) is a city of many faces; there is an impressive mountain range, a spectacular coastline and a sprawling wine region, not to mention the bustling city itself!

At the risk of sounding a bit like a travel agent, let me extol some of Cape Town's many virtues.

First off, there's the spectacular coastline. We were able to see a fair bit of the peninsula that consists of several different, beautiful, bays. We spent a couple of nights in Simon's Town, an old Navy town on False Bay. Here we experienced some crazy winds, but also a day of lovely sunshine and calm. Simon's Town is home to a large colony of African Penguins, while False Bay is home to many whales during breeding season. We even got to see a few doing flips and having a grand old time right from our balcony!
Everybody we know who knows goes on about Cape Town's wine routes, so we had high expectations. We were not disappointed! We stayed in the quaint university town of Stellenbosch, its namesake wine route is world famous for its 110 or so wineries. We duly embarked on a wine tour of 4 of said wineries, enjoying a beautiful day of scenery, mountains, wine and, even better, cheese. Of course we snapped up some direct-from-the-seller bargains and continued to gorge ourselves for the following few days.

And then, of course, there's the city itself with Table Mountain as its backdrop. In many ways the city reminded us of Melbourne- there were times when we'd be driving down a stretch of coastal road and swear we were on Bay Rd, or drinking coffee in cafes on streets that could easily have been Chapel. We did quite the touristy things in the city, visited museums, markets, the aquarium and of course took the cableway up to Table Mountain. Coming from Johannesburg, where the weather is a constant 27 (80) or more, we weren't quite prepared for the cold at the top of the mountain! 

We really had a great, relaxing holiday. It was wonderful to see and experience more of South Africa's many beautiful qualities. Of course, this week it's back to work, with the memory of the holiday suddenly feeling very distant. We're on the home stretch now!